
2011-10-19 13:00:18

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4jw$HFM}/Z0  辛亥革命是20世纪中国所发生的第一次历史性巨变,它推翻了清王朝的封建统治,结束了在中国延续几千年的君主专制制度,极大地推动了中华民族的思想解放,促进了中华民族的觉醒,开始了比较完全意义上的反帝反封建的民族民主革命,打开了中国社会进步的大门,反映了中国人民争取民族独立、振兴中华的深切愿望,是中国人民改变自己命运而奋起革命的一个伟大里程碑。在我国历史发展进程中具有深刻而久远的重大意义。X.21ART.VIP - 艺术社区 - 油画、国画、设计、美术、资讯 - 21世纪艺术网^4y0`~Nwe+B

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  本次展览以篇章形式构成“追怀”、“壮志”、“心声”三个版块。作品类型包括中国画、书法、油画、版画、雕塑、水彩画等300余件。汇集了中国美术馆及相关艺术机构收藏的反映辛亥革命历史风云的主题性创作;展示了辛亥革命名家和历史文化名人的丹青墨迹;展现了海内外当代书画艺术家等炎黄儿女盼望祖国统一和中华振兴的家国情怀。X.21ART.VIP - 艺术社区 - 油画、国画、设计、美术、资讯 - 21世纪艺术网 mu o(NBb0sK/L!y B/B7Q
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survivor accounts seemed to advocate that.
~nq m9nkz- 油画|国画|美术|收藏|摄影|设计 - 21世纪艺术网"i couldn't breathe so i opened the window and looked out, and the gate was aboard burn for it was essentially made of periodical a survivor told reporters by the scene among footage shown aboard tvn24 tv the nation's 24-hour newspaper aisle.艺术,美术,收藏,摄影,设计,论坛,油画,国画,水彩,水墨,雕塑,21世纪艺术网,b _#l['g#a8D

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7pC^ }EX.21ART.VIP - 艺术社区 - 油画、国画、设计、美术、资讯 - 21世纪艺术网the reason of the fire which began nearly 1 am (2300 gmt sunday), was below investigation. the building is owned along the shire administration.
&IX4?3s2k |*@21ART.CC 社区论坛 - 艺术|油画|国画|美术|收藏|摄影|设计 - 21世纪艺术网"if the building burns at that fast a rate, and if none gushed gasoline over the all building and set it alight aboard purpose and that theory doesn't exist right instantly,subsequently there have to have been some fundamental flaw among the construction," president lech kaczynski told reporters after visiting the site.
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police and flame investigators continued apt comb amongst the building's smoldering shell late monday surrounded search of clues.21ART.CC 社区论坛 - 艺术|油画|国画|美术|收藏|摄影|设计 - 21世纪艺术网2^Rk?1I#a/f"F8W}

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footage broadcast aboard tvn24 television taken when firefighters first arrived showed the building devoured within flames. later video showed firefighters picking through the building's blackened,モンクレール, gutted shell with axes.X.21ART.VIP - 艺术社区 - 油画、国画、设计、美术、资讯 - 21世纪艺术网

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it was never immediately explicit what agitate systems the building had. the building was unlikely apt have had cigarette detectors,but likely did have a sprinkler system, national flame department spokesman pawel fratczak mentioned.
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fratczak likewise said it was poland's deadliest fire since 55 folk were slew surrounded an october 1980 blaze by a psychiatric hospital surrounded gorna grupa among central poland.-w"{X(cJ0~ZV&w0f F
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police mentioned the death toll could still rise as eleven folk are unaccounted for there were 77 folk registered as dwellers amid the building at the period of the blaze.艺术,美术,收藏,摄影,设计,论坛,油画,国画,水彩,水墨,雕塑,21世纪艺术网1rW#[P0Dvu

m-o7`/hwn2Qbut fratczak threw mistrust onto that diagram saying firefighters quested all three floors and everything left among them, such as burnt furniture, and we didn't find any remains."h&f$q3[&z MM

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two of the injured were being treated as burns, including one 8-month-old baby the injuries were never considered life-threatening.
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CeLIG8Gx.21art.cn"i'm within shock the maximum essential thing is that we're alive and that the kids are alive," a female lying amid a hospital mattress with burns apparent aboard her face told tvn24 amongst tears.X.21ART.VIP - 艺术社区 - 油画、国画、设计、美术、资讯 - 21世纪艺术网{

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"i'm just perturbed what happens swiftly we lost everything. we have nothing. i wish there namely somebody who ambition aid never only us,merely everyone who has suffered from this for this namely really a catastrophe"
prime minister donald tusk inspected the abuse early monday, and promised assist for those who fled the blaze. many of the dwellers had been living along the asylum for a long period as they waited for a lasting dormitory surrounded poland's compact public housing network.
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p.z3~Nxj"the assistance want be full and aspiration guarantee the housing absences of those who survived this disaster," tusk told journalists amid front of the still smoking building. "the maximum important thing is apt assistance those who survived."

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O'|zFgthe building surrounded kamien pomorksi,bijoux pandora,almost 370 miles (600 kilometers) northwest of warsaw and near the baltic sea coast, originally served as a bare-bones tavern as personnel within the region's gas fields. ownership of the building was transferred to the shire administration a few years antecedent.21ART.CC 社区论坛 - 艺术|油画|国画|美术|收藏|摄影|设计 - 21世纪艺术网!ge r%Hi0^

the president declared three days of national mourning apt begin by midnight in memory of those who died.related topics articles:21ART.CC 社区论坛 - 艺术|油画|国画|美术|收藏|摄影|设计 - 21世纪艺术网7LA2v

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